Holy Family has registered Social Workers providing school based counseling services to our school division. Students enrolled in our Holy Family School Division have access to counseling services.
School Social Workers provide school based services to support students with school based mental health and well-being. School Counseling is intended to be a short term service (4-8 sessions or group) for students.
Student Services
Referrals are accepted for the following school based concerns:
School Related Behavior (aggression, defiance, impulsivity)
School Related Relational problems (bullying, teasing, difficulty making friends)
Low self-esteem, negative thinking patterns, self-defeating behaviors
Depression, withdrawal
Grief and Bereavement
Truancy/Missing School
Risk Assessment-self harm, suicide
Divorce and Separation Program-Group Format
Trauma and Anxiety Program-Group Format
Student Services
Our School Social Workers also
- Act as a liaison between home and school and help facilitate communication and support with both student environments.
- Act as a liaison for families who are receiving services from outside agencies (Mental Health, Social Services, Community Programs).
- Advocate and assist families with referrals to appropriate community supports when school resources are limited or needs do not meet the identified school based concerns.

Student Services
How to Access Counselling Services/Referral Process?

For Teachers and School Staff:
For Parent/Guardian Referrals:
Student Services
Response to Intervention (RTI) Model of Counselling Service Delivery
Tier 1
- Classroom Support
- Whole class lessons and presentations
- Student and/or peer observations
- Teacher consultations and support
Tier 2
- Small Groups-in person or virtual
- Targeted skill development with small groups/peers
Tier 3
- Individualized Counselling and Case Management
- One on one counselling with student
- Consultation and Coordination with parents, teachers, RTI team, other professionals (Mental Health, Occupational Therapist, Autism Consultant)