St Michael
SCC Constitution
St. Michael School Community Council Constitution
School Community Councils are advisory bodies charged with the responsibility of enhancing support for
learning at the school. The support for learning focus is aligned with the Board and the Ministry of
Education. School Community Councils receive their authority through provincial legislation and Board
policy. This empowers parents and communities with meaningful ways to become engaged in matters
related to public education. In their advisory capacity, the SCC accept a shared responsibility for learning
success and well-being of all children and youth, while encouraging and facilitating parent, parish, and
community engagement.
The SCC is a dedicated group of parents, school staff, administration, and community that meet monthly,
as needed, during the school year to share ideas and information about St. Michael School. Individual
committees may meet on their own to ensure they are meeting any goals that have been set out at the
beginning of the school year. The SCC discusses and collaboratively makes decisions that may affect
fundraising, safety, student activities, student achievement, and school improvement.
St Michael School Vision
“St. Michael School will foster a positive atmosphere where all stakeholders share their talents in a safe
environment; we will grow together as a community in Christ by providing high quality, diverse
opportunities to all.”
St Michael School Mission
“Together as a Christ centered community we will inclusively develop all students’ God given talents, so
that every child succeeds intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and physically.”
1. Membership
1.1 Representative Membership
The School Community Council will have the following Representative Members:
5-9 parent and community members elected at the Annual General Meeting with the
majority of members being of Catholic Faith. The Majority of members shall also be parents
versus community members.
All elected members have a two-year term.
1.2 Permanent Non Voting Members
The School Community Council will have the following Permanent Members:
o The School Principal
o One Teacher
o One Parish Liaison
2. Officers
2.1 The following School Community Council Members will be elected annually from among
the Representative Membership:
o Chairperson
o Vice Chairperson
o Secretary
o Treasurer
2.2 Roles and Responsibilities of School Community Council Officers
The Chairperson will:
• conduct meetings of the School Community Council;
• ensure that all members have input to discussion and decisions;
• prepare meeting agendas in consultation with the Principal and other School Community
Council Members;
• oversee operations of the School Community Council;
• establish networks that support the School Community Council; and,
• act as a spokesperson for the School Community Council
The Vice-Chairperson will:
• support the Chairperson in his/her duties, taking over when the Chairperson is unable to
attend; and,
• perform responsibilities assigned by the Chairperson
The Secretary will:
• take minutes at School Community Council meetings;
• receive and send correspondence on behalf of the School Community Council;
• take charge of any official records of the School community Council; and,
• ensure that appropriate notice is given for all meetings of the School Community Council
The Treasurer will:
• manage the finances of the School Community Council;
• report to members about current financial situation
Source: Saskatchewan School Boards Association “A Handbook for School Community Councils and
3. School Community Council Meetings
3.1 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held in May of each year. During this meeting, the
representative members and officers will be elected.
3.2 The School Community Council will meet a minimum of 5 times per year.
3.3 Model of Governance
The Town-Hall Model
In this model members are elected to the School Community Council but regular
meetings are open to the entire school community. Any member of the school
community can participate in the meeting and be involved in the decision making
process of matters brought before the SCC.
3.4 Quorum
A quorum of the School Community Council shall be a majority of the Representative
3.5 Special Meeting
A special meeting of a School Community Council shall be called by the chair of the
SCC if required to do so by the Board of Education or a request in writing signed by no
fewer than 25 persons who have a child attending that school or who are electors
living in the school's attendance area. Only business pertaining to the roles and
responsibilities of School Community Councils can be considered at a special meeting.
4. Public Consultation and Communication
The School Community Council will consult with the school community through the following
strategies: - Newsletters - Newspaper - Parent meetings - School Website - Facebook - Email
The School Community Council will communicate with the school community and the Board of
Education though the following strategies: - Meeting minutes
5. Code of Conduct
As a Member of the Community School Council and/or volunteer, I shall:
• Be guided by the policy, vision, goals and principles of the Community School
• Know and work toward the vision for St Michael School;
• Endeavour to be familiar with school policies and operating practices and act in
accordance with them;
• Practice the highest standards of honesty, accuracy, integrity and truth;
• Encourage a positive atmosphere where individual contributions are encouraged and
valued;92 School Community Councils
• Recognize and respect the personal integrity of each member of the school
• Apply democratic principles;
• Consider the best interests of all students;
• Respect and maintain the confidentiality of student information;
• Limit discussions at school council meetings to matters of concern to the school
community as a whole;
• Use the appropriate communication channels when question or concerns arise;
• Promote high standards of ethical practice within the school community;
• Accept accountability for the decisions of the Community School Council; and,
• Declare any conflict of interest.
Saskatchewan Education. 1997. Building Communities of Hope: Best practices for meeting the learning
needs of at risk and Indian and Metis students: Implementation Handbook.
6. Conflict of Interest
A School Community Council member may occasionally find him/herself in a conflict of interest
position in terms of some issue under consideration by the SCC. When this happens, the Member
should declare that she is in a conflict of interest situation and leave the room for the portion of the
meeting, thus refraining from participating in the discussion. The Member should not vote on any
decision made on the issue.
7. Decision-Making Processes
The School Community Council will need to choose a preferred decision-making process.
Although some decisions like adopting a constitution will require a motion and a formal
vote, not all SCC business will require this process. Majority Vote Model is the process in
which we will be using
Majority Vote Model
The issue is discussed and a vote is taken. The majority vote decides the issue. It
requires that all Members listen to each other's opinions and try to find solutions
to problems and differences.
8. Handling Complaints or Concerns
8.1 Complaints or Concerns about an Individual Student or Staff Member
Any matter concerning an individual student or staff member must be
directed to the staff member or Principal. It is not the responsibility of the
School Community Council to deal with concerns or complaints about
individuals other than to direct the concern to the appropriate individual.
8.2 Complaints or Concerns about School Community Council Initiatives or Activities
8.2.1 Informal Complaints or Concerns
Provided School Community Council Members are comfortable in their knowledge
and feel at ease expressing themselves, concerns or questions about SCC
initiatives or activities expressed informally to members of the School Community
Council may be addressed immediately by the Member. If a Member is unsure of
the appropriate response, s/he should say so but indicate that she will check and
get back to the individual. If such a commitment is made the Member must follow
through. After responding to the complaint or concern the Member should always
ask if their response has been satisfactory. If the individual is not satisfied with the
response, the Member should explain how the concern or complaint could be
brought to the attention of the School Community Council in a more formal
8.2.2 Formal Complaints or Concerns
Concerns or complaints can be brought to the attention of the School
Community Council by addressing the concern in writing to the Chairperson or
by requesting that the Chairperson provide the individual with an opportunity to
meet with the School Community Council at an upcoming meeting. The School
Community Council will provide a written response regarding how they have or
will address the concern or complaint.
9. Conflict Resolution Process
The Conflict Resolution Process will be used by the School Community Council to
address both internal conflict, which may occur among individuals within the
School Community Council and external conflict that may occur between the
School Community Council and individuals, groups or organizations outside of the
SCC. The conflict resolution process has the following principles:
-it puts the interest and welfare of children and youth above all other issues;
- It is structured to ensure that both parties have a fair opportunity to present
their point of view; and,
- It is simple and inexpensive to administer.
The Conflict Resolution Process
- Define the problem;
- Understand the issues from different perspectives;
- Deal with emotions;
- Identify needs and interests;
- Discuss assumptions and values; and,
Create solutions:
- Identify a range of options;
- Determine the advantages and disadvantages; and,
- Choose a solution that is mutually satisfactory.
(Adapted from the Alberta School Council Resource Manual)
If reasonable attempts to resolve the conflict have been unsuccessful, the principal or the
chairperson will contact the Director of Education.
10. Committees
The School Community Council will act in a coordination role for committees operating in support of the
SCC and the school program. It is strongly suggested that an elected member of the School Community
Council head up each committee.
Committees can be internal and composed of School Community Council Members exclusively or include
other parents, community members or interested and knowledgeable individuals. The following
committees will be established by the School Community Council
o Special Projects Committee
o Fundraising Committee
o Nutrition and Hot Lunch Committee
11. Amend the Constitution
The School Community Council may amend its constitution by sending suggestions for change in writing
to the Board of Education.
*Constitution amended, voted and approved June 2, 2021
NB: Any reference made to the handbook, refers to “A Handbook for School Community Councils and
Principals” published by the Saskatchewan School Boards Association”.